Slaney Plumbing LLC PlumbingServicesAbout Slaney Plumbing LLCSlaney Plumbing LLC  Contact Information

The fastest way to reach us is to call the office at 724-345-8136.  Also, for emergencies you can call Dennis on his cell phone at 412-889-6158.  If you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment you can also fill out the form below.  The e-mail will be checked daily so you will get a response within 24 hours.  

Quote by Dr. Lewis Thomas

"There is no question that our health has improved spectacularly in the past century.  One thing seems certain:  it did not happen because of medicine, or medical science, or even the presence of doctors.  Much of the credit should go to the plumbers and engineers of the Western world.  The contamination of drinking water by human feces was at one time the greatest cause of human disease and death for us; it remains so,  along with starvation and malaria, for the Third World.  Typhoid fever, cholera and dysentery were the chief threats to survival in the early years of the nineteenth century in New York City, and when the plumbers and sanitary engineers had done their work, these diseases began to vanish."

Dr. Lewis Thomas, World-renowned Immunologist, arguing the need for global cooperation in science and technology.
